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This platform is strictly for authorised personnels and serves as an internal resource for our business operations.

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Welcome to the Enterprise Resource Portal of Tornos Destinations (India) Pvt. Ltd. (TORNOS). This platform is strictly for authorised personnels and serves as an internal resource for our business operations. Any unauthorised access, data extraction, or infringement will be considered a criminal offense and an intrusion into our privacy and business conduct.

All software, data, and digital assets on this platform are the exclusive property of TORNOS and have been custom-developed to enhance our internal processes and operations. Copying, distributing, or misusing any content is strictly prohibited.
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Authorised Personnels Only

This platform is for authorised users only. Unauthorised access or data extraction
will result in legal action. Please respect our privacy and security guidelines.

Vendor Management

For Authorised users only.

Tornos Access Files

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